And no matter how many times he says and thinks ‘no, i won’t do it this time’, the enemy knows and can attack him in that area. And, as a child of god, that is a very good thing!
Children, obey your parents in the lord, for this is right.
Can god hear your thoughts. The bible also says, “the lord detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to him” (proverbs 15:26). And, as a child of god, that is a very good thing! He knows what you want.
“honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the lord. Since god is the only one who can read minds, satan therefore cannot put thoughts into heads either, one of the clearest illustrations in the bible is found in the book of daniel. He is not far off.
But the spiritual world is not depending on thoughts or words. No one else can know our thoughts unless we communicate them, so we tend to imagine that anything we think is safe, as long as it stays in our minds. Since god doesn’t have ears, he doesn’t “hear” thoughts like people hear words.
Can you talk to god in your mind? He knows what you feel. Can god hear our thoughts?
They can hear our voices, and they. Before you even say a word. This is an attribute of god.
Jesus can not only read our thoughts, he knows the intent of our hearts. Certainly demons can hear what we say. Luke 11:17 esv / 19 helpful votes helpful not helpful but he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, “every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.
So, for most all of those years i pray silently so the devil can�t hear my worries and concerns. They can understand what we say. The bible says that god “judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (hebrews 4:12).
Because god can hear our thoughts, we can communicate with him without speaking out loud. God can see our motives, thoughts, and intents so we must. At times we don’t even know how to put our thoughts into words,.
Our sighs, our groans, our meditations , and our thoughts can all be prayers to god. This necessarily means that he knows our thoughts because they are included in “all things.” therefore, we can pray silently, and god knows what our prayers are. When god is said to “hear” someone’s thoughts, it means that he knows them.
He knows what you are going to say! From what you know, is that a fair assessment? A lot of times we have thoughts to ourselves that we think no one else can hear, that may be true.
God will hear and answer the prayers of his own children but he always answers in ways that are superior to what we think we need or want. So, there is nothing in the bible that says satan can read our thoughts. We can pray silently as well as out loud because god hears our thoughts as well as our voices.
God is able to hear all of our thoughts. Many years ago a preacher said the devil cannot hear your thoughts only god can hear your thoughts. God can see in the depths of your heart.
You can have a whole conversation with god in your mind. Can satan hear our thoughts? He knows every person’s desires, motives, and intentions, whether good or bad.
Someone once told me that god hears our silent prayers, but that satan can not, and that if we want to address satan, we must speak the words to him out loud. If you hear thoughts criticizing someone’s faults or jumping on their failures, it’s likely not god letting you in on his judgement. Does the bible say anything about the privacy of prayer with god?
But there is one person who always knows what we are thinking; However, is not true when it comes to god. God knows our thoughts no matter who or where we are.
He knows the thoughts of all beings and can tell you what you are thinking. In our thoughts is where the great battle is fought between the old man, who refuses to die, and the new man, who is christ jesus operating in us. If we are confused about whether or not we are hearing god, it is good to pray for wisdom ( james 1:5 ).
This plays off the last verse, where jesus instructed us to leave judgment to god and focus on living our own part. God’s voice will usually speak with you about your own heart, not others’ hearts. You can talk to god in your mind.
You can also talk to a caring christian about what�s going on. If god wants to speak to us, nothing can stop him. It’s depending on heart attitudes and realities that you live in.
Matthew 9:4 “knowing their thoughts, jesus said, “why do. Satan, limited in his abilities, cannot put thoughts into our minds because he would have to be able to read our minds first, to know what was in them. (it’s good to pray for wisdom even when we don’t think we’re confused!) we should ask god to make his will known to us.
God can hear all, even your mind. First of all, the bible tells us that god knows all things (1 john 3:20). When draupati was being stripped by the kauravas she prayed to lord krishna, and he immediately lengthened her sari to such an extent that the kauravas were unable to get her naked.
To thank god that he always hears you and knows what is on your heart. Children, obey your parents in the lord, for this is right. For more about how god can hear your thoughts, read can god hear your thoughts?
Look at how often jesus knew not only what they were thinking but what their intent was: God is within the hearts of all living things as supersoul or holy spirit or paramatma. So also no one comprehends the thoughts of god except the spirit of god.
God is right there with you, inside of you. Here are some ways to discern the source of our thoughts: What does it mean when you say that, “jesus was raised for our justification”?
God can hear people’s thoughts. The next time you have trouble finding words to pray, turn to the psalms and find one that expresses your heart. And no matter how many times he says and thinks ‘no, i won’t do it this time’, the enemy knows and can attack him in that area.
It doesn’t matter what you are thinking about, god can know the exact thing that you are thinking because he. He hears your every thought and will respond to your prayers that you pray in your mind. For that reason, a sinner is a sinner at heart;
God knows everything about us, and he also knows our thoughts. Angels, who usually communicate with each other and with people through telepathy (transferring thoughts from mind to mind), can read your mind if you invite them to do so, but you must first grant them permission, writes sylvia browne in sylvia browne�s book of angels: although angels don�t speak, they�re telepathic.