This is something i can never claim. If we stop doing our part in the se, we will have lost our salvation.
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Can you lose your salvation yes. He is completely righteous ( 1 john 1:5 ), and everything he does is righteous and just, especially as he displays his grace. This is something i can never claim. So the correct answer to the question “can you lose your salvation?” is a resounding.
(philippians 4:7) want to be part of a real christian revival? Pass on this post to your friends. God chooses us to be saved even though we would never choose him.
You can lose your salvation in a heartbeat. Most, if not all, of what the bible says happens to us when we receive christ would be invalidated if salvation could be lost. Yes, you can lose your salvation.
While over 72 scriptures in the new testament proclaim that a person can lose their salvation, for the sake of space, i have reduced the list to 35 verses. So many preachers today tell us that once you are genuinely regenerated by the spirit of god, trusting christ for salvation and the forgiveness of sins, you can never ever be lost. So salvation, both by forgiveness, and by following jesus on the way of the cross, is by grace.
Visit us at www.stayingfocusedforjesus.comto contact me with any questions, my email is stayingfocusedforjesus@gmx.comi check my email more than my private m. We know we cannot lose our salvation because of the perfectly unified and complete work of a triune god. Isaiah 6:3) and gracious forgiveness.
If we stop doing our part in the se, we will have lost our salvation. Yes, you can lose your salvation the idea that your eternal destiny is secure — that you’re absolutely certain you’re going to heaven no matter what you do —. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your father will not forgive your sins (mt.
Like the creation of the world, god’s reconciliation of the world is an irreversible fact. We’re dying of thirst neck deep in a lake of water. So, can we lose our salvation ??
First, god protects our salvation through his holiness ( leviticus 11:44; And you can lose your salvation too. You don’t simply “lose” your salvation, as if it was as easy as that.
A free gift of forgiveness—and a way, with help and grace to walk on it. Salvation is a gift from yahweh our god and he does not take it away from us. However, when i read the bible, i have not yet found anywhere that tells me i cannot lose my salvation but i have found many places that tell me i can.
Jesus warned believers can lose their pardon too: The idea that your eternal destiny is secure — that you’re absolutely certain you’re going to heaven no matter what you do — is a very attractive one. Many believe that you cannot lose your salvation, no matter how many bad things you may end up doing in this life.
It is satan who is trying to steal salvation from us. 1 peter 4:1) through the grace to help that is given them,. Salvation is the gift of god, and god’s gifts are “irrevocable” (romans 11:29).
But we should be careful about following the opinions of men because they have many followers. When people come to know christ as their saviour, they are brought into a relationship with god that guarantees their eternal security. God has promised to keep us, assuring us that nothing can separate us from his love (rom.
A christian cannot lose salvation. God will not let a person into heaven who has unforgiven sins. The bible says that we are “sealed” with the holy spirit at the moment of our salvation with the lord and that nothing can break this seal, no matter how many bad and evil sins a person may commit after getting saved.
We find this argument uncalled for because by now every bible reader should lay his hands on the truth that salvation can be lost. He is the author and the finisher of our faith (hebrews 12:2), and he who began a good work in us will. The redeemed cannot be unpurchased.
So in truth, my answer to you is, yes! John macarthur once said, “if you could lose your salvation you would.” with respect to john macarthur, i’d go a step further and say that if i could lose my salvation i already would have. Biblical proof you can lose your salvation.
And the bible clearly confirms this truth! This blog will help point you to the bible verses which support it, so that you can know the peace of god, which surpasses all understanding. I have spent 30 years, assuring others of the doctrine once saved, always saved.
There are verses that teach subjects like “falling from grace,” “working out your own salvation,” “enduring to the end,” and “overcoming” which people try to use to teach the possibility of losing one’s salvation but this is not the case. If we do, we’re tossing into the trash the invitation to christ�s dinner party. Rather, when we are dead in our transgressions and sins, god causes us to become alive to him.
That is why i ask people who believe they can lose their salvation and are seeking to maintain it by being faithful, “are you taking credit for your believing?” if they say yes, they are boasting. I can lose my salvation. We are not saved because of anything good in us.
So can you lose your salvation? Yes you can loose your salvation. However, this argument is ongoing because someone or some people are just refusing to understand.
The servant lost his forgiveness: This way is open for disciple s of jesus—those who want to follow him and have the same mind that he had. While there are numerous verses that some that try to use to teach that salvation can be lost, there are no verses that say such a thing.
I think, probably just like you, that i would like to believe that my salvation is secure in the hands of jesus christ and cannot be lost. Yes, we can refuse to believe it. All throughout the bible, we see that man turns away from god, rejects him, and turns away towards the evil one. jesus during his time on earth preached over and over and over about hell, god, being a loving god, sent his son to save us.
This doctrine is also known as eternal security. The argument about whether a christian can lose his salvation still rages on. The bible makes it clear that you can’t lose your salvation because it’s all from god.
So do not do it.